Add a fitness function to Pleione

Each simulator are provided with two scripts that calculate errors. They are located at the same path as the principal scripts. Inside, they have a template intended with instructions:

# Fitness Calculation Template:
if set(args.error).issuperset(set(['the-acronysm'])):
        func = 0
        func = an algebraic expression combining the data average (data_avrg), data variance (data_stdv), simulation average (sims_stdv),
        single experimental files (data.loc[i]) and/or simulation files (sims.loc[i]).
        # Please consider this variables are DataFrames, meaning that division is a method (pandas.DataFrame.division)
        # Please calculate average or standard deviation values from data.loc[i] and sims.loc[i] if they are needed from them (as in MSE)

        error['acronysm'] = '{:.6e}'.format(func.dropna(axis = 0, how = 'all').dropna(axis = 1, how = 'all').sum().sum())
        # drop NaN values (from experimental data without simulation point or vice-versa), sum the two dimensions, and return a 6 float points scientific notation number

To use:

  1. Define an acronysm for your fitness function and replace “the-acronysm”
  2. Define func as an operation of DataFrames: data_avrg, data_stdv, sims_stdv, data.loc[i], and sims.loc[i]

Note scripts calculates one single fitness function at the time. The Mean Square Error has code to calculate the average from data and simulations.